Stay Beeautiful

Selections from my A-Level works, Foundation Diploma and on-going projects throughout my first year at Kingston mixed with some more personal pieces...enjoy


Really needs to purchase a set of Promarkers..

Hansel and Gretel poster

Work in progress, a three day project based on illustrating a poster for the Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel Opera. This is what I've achieved today. I want to recreate the feeling of being overpowered by the forest and dreamland that the children experience. So i thought a repetitive pattern would work quite nicely. So far I really like how its looking and cant wait to get it completed to add colour and text. I'm looking to screen print this but it depends if i have time!

The drawing i worked with for my Lies print..

My first go at etching!

At the beginning of the term we had 3 days in the printing studio and our task was to produce an image from an extract of a 1900s Novel using imagery only from 1970s Sunday Times magazines. Bit of a strange project, but i thoroughly enjoyed making the imagery and having a go at etching this images, something i hadn't tried before. The image above shows the basic outline, and the image above that shows the image with Aquatint on it (gives the plate rough areas to create tone) with some colour as well. It was good to experiment with new processes and techniques and for a first go, i'm quite pleased with it. Although if i was to do it again i would definitely include some sort of background to tie the whole image together.

Work in progress...

The return of the collage project with nick White...

Shame my scanner chopped it a bit :(

Hair Zine completed!

The cover! By Daisy Hardman
The inside sleeve, by moi, Horrible HairStories, with work by Benjamin Carr in the background
My double page
Work by Natalie Mills on the left, and mine on the right
Mine on the left, Natalie's on the right
Hillarious/disturbing work by Hamish Steele...

Location Drawing - Term 2

The British History Museum

Abney Park Cemetary

Mystery Tour (whilst it was tipping it down!)

Location drawing - Term 1

The Natural History Museum


The Toy Museum

The Huntarian

Self Directed sketchbook - Camden

I chose to go to Camden town for my self directed, i thought it was appropriate to try out drawing in a second hand book to fit with the theme, heres what i came out with!