Selections from my A-Level works, Foundation Diploma and on-going projects throughout my first year at Kingston mixed with some more personal pieces...enjoy
I had the pleasure in designing this poster for a wonderful event coming up based on the re-invention of the Benarasi Sari, come along and witness some amazing talent!
So i've just finished an AMAZING week working for Tigerprint. (the 6.30am starts were a massive shock but well worth it) For those of you who don't know them they are a company who work for Hallmark who supply all of the cards, stationary etc for Marks and Spencer.
I went to the studio based in London - a comfortable, friendly yet very hard working community which was a joy to be able to be a part of. They gave me an initial brief of tackling the fashion and lifestyle part of the card designs, but i also got the opportunity to take part in 3 workshops that week which they said was very rare. This way i got to have a go at the Age section - redesigning certain age cards to fit a new style that the head office wanted. 'Brand Fusion' - where we made a brand new character capable of being a new brand from existing characters which we picked out of a hat (mine were unfortunately Saddam Husain, Roald Dahls The Witches, and Poddington Peas) A big challenge but below you will see my attempt of fusing them together and personally i am very pleased with the outcome :) And finally 'Tradional cute' - by far the hardest in my opinion because, although i thought it would be simple, was the most difficult to portray as its such a big seller and you have to get it right with getting the right style and creating enough nostalgia for the public to relate to. ANYway i'll stop rambling and give you a few examples of what i've done. Watch this space as i may be getting some commissions come my way!