Stay Beeautiful

Selections from my A-Level works, Foundation Diploma and on-going projects throughout my first year at Kingston mixed with some more personal pieces...enjoy


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A small project set about illustrating what influences us the most. I loved the freedom with this project to take on whatever media took our fancy. This is a textiles piece from my favourite film ‘500 days of summer’ showing how T.V and film has that much of an influence on some peoples life that they would produce a piece of art about it..

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I ended up producing two bound books. One using beer mats and ripping them up and painting on top of them, i then used screen printing to print drinking games onto them. This was a creative way of encouraging socialising between groups. I then went on to use this on a night in with my friends. From this I used the beer cans used to make another bound book, like a documentation, as a sweet reminder of a good night.

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Sketchbook work looking into the social aspects of drinking and documenting ideas for a book-binding idea using beer mats..


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Looking further into the social side of drinking, i went on to being inspired by the likes of Sarah Lucas and Emily Stephenson and produced my ‘beer monsters’. I took used cans, painted them white, photographed them and used Photoshop to apply images i had drawn of eyes and mouths to represent the cruel after effects of drinking. A funny, light hearted idea, and i love the outcome.

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A series of beer-mats i produced in Print trying to bring a more colourful side to ‘Bud’, encouraging the consumption by applying a drinking game on the mats which also persuades interaction and socialising. I found the process of unpicking the original layers of the label and then thinking about how to reproduce the colours extremely interesting.

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...and a piece produced from the idea of the comfort and influences i receive from horoscopes. I loved the freedom given with this task and that we were left to produce whatever we liked.

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Alternative Self-portrait – Looking into illustrating different aspects of my character. Sketchbook work which helped me develop and compare ideas, leading to a piece shown bottom right...

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Lifedrawing using a build up of 3B pencil to emphasise shadow, and masking tape to highlight – a fabulous successful experiment

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...this lead to the production of my screen printing experiments. I loved how the process taught me how to look at layout and colour in an alternative way and think about what works well and what doesn’t work so well, about everything down to the backing paper.

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Alternative Self-Portrait: sketchbook work experimenting with alternative ways of photographing and illustrating myself...

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Alternative Self-portrait: We were given the task of illustrating certain aspects of ourselves, whether it be inspirations, beliefs, characteristics. This was one piece created using coloured pencils to illustrate a quote from one of my favourite teen films ‘Mean Girls’ – That’s why her hair is so’s full of secrets’.

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A darkroom experience – left to venture by ourselves to see what images we could create. I loved the rustic, worn down vibe from this derelict building and found it has let me take some beautiful up-close images.

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A piece from my second year of A-Level, yet I’ve always felt it was a proud achievement of mine. I used acrylic to paint over a build up of layers and texture created using tissue papers. Representing claustrophobia.

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We were presented with the task of producing an abstract painting for our project. First we made three test pieces to get used to the flow of the paint and shapes/colours that worked well together and then moved on to developing a larger A1 piece. I used inspiration from my previous sketches and built up a layered painting – a very invigorating task.

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A lifedrawing using charcoal – i like to experiment with a variety of media and found that charcoal gave a fabulous tonal mood to the subject.

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I took inspiration from the angles and shapes created from my Interior/Exterior work on reflections, and developed this through my sketchbook in order to make some interesting 3D pieces. This was an enjoyable project and i loved finding different ways of taking a normal square template of a cube, and deforming it into something totally bizarre and wonderful.


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A selection of ideas and sketchbook work based from the photos taken from Amsterdam, including location drawing, leading up to a textiles piece produced using plastic manipulation, image maker and sewing - shown top right.

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I visited Amsterdam last summer and found it one of the most inspiring places I've been to. Here are a selection of images I took which I then used towards my Art Foundation project 'Interior/Exterior'. I love how a reflection can be found in all of them, and reveals a completely different environment to what it is captured in.

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A selection of sketchbook pages from my 'Abstraction' project for my Art Foundation Diploma. I experimented with shape, colour and form in order to produce ideas for a selection of 3D pieces.